Year 2 20th September Looking back and forth


Friday 20th September 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 2

Looking back: 

We started our work for the Exhibition this week and the children have been really interested in Florence Nightingale’s achievements. In English we have been writing a story about a fish who could make wishes. They have learned and performed the story too. Maths has seen the children using their knowledge of place value to solve puzzles. We have been very busy with geography, reading, handwriting, phonics and much more. The children are becoming superb listeners and have really settled in well. Enjoy the weekend everyone.

Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Writing my story
  • PE
  • Maths puzzles
  • Healthy me in Science
  • Break because I can see all my friends

Family discussion questions:

  • How did hospitals get invented?
  • What makes you happy?

Looking forward:

  1. The United Kingdom
  2. Publishing a story
  3. Addition work
  4. Exhibition artwork
  5. Trip to Manchester Museum of Science and Industry on 4th October. Please return the slip sent home this week.

Homework in Year 2

Please listen to your child read for 15 minutes each day and talk about what they have read. Can they tell you what happened? Do they understand the meaning of new words? What was their favourite part? Please use the bookmarks we sent home this week to help you.

English: noun phrases due Tuesday

Maths: number work due Friday

Spellings: test on Friday