Year 2 4th October Looking back and forth


Friday 4th October 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 2

Looking back: 

Our work for this year’s Exhibition is really taking shape now. This week we have worked with a visiting artist to make beautiful dragon flies for the hall. We have also been busy sculpting with clay and working with watercolour. We have written a fact file about Marie Curie and in maths we have been adding two digit numbers together using place value partitioning. Today, we visited the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. We had a fantastic trip and I was very proud to be their teacher.

Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Dragonfly making
  • MOSI
  • The marble jar is almost full!
  • Learning about Marie Curie
  • Art

Family discussion questions:

  • How big was the first computer?

Looking forward:

  1. Artwork for the Exhibition
  2. Other leading lights in medicine for our Exhibition work
  3. RE and French with Mrs Cuttle

Homework in Year 2

Please listen to your child read for 15 minutes each day and talk about what they have read. Can they tell you what happened? Do they understand the meaning of new words? What was their favourite part? Please use the bookmarks we sent home this week to help you.

English: book review due Tuesday

Maths: none set due to our class trip

Spellings: last week’s words will be tested on Friday