Year 2 Looking Back and Forth 1.10.21

Friday 1st October 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 2

Looking back:

This week the children have written their own version of The Fish Who Could Wish. I am really proud of them. In maths we have begun work on addition, remembering to count carefully. We have been very busy preparing for the Exhibition and learning about animals from Australia and traditional Dreaming stories.

Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • PE obstacle courses
  • Dreaming stories
  • Addition in maths
  • Spelling quiz
  • Writing the Fish Who Could Wish
  • Phonics
  • Animal facts for the Exhibition

Family discussion questions:  

  • Ask your child if they can perform the story map of The fish Who could Wish


Looking forward:

  • Reading books will be changed on Monday. Please ensure your child has their pack with them every day.
  • Maths – addition
  • Aboriginal stories about the Dreaming
  • Australian inspired art
  • We also have a visiting art who will work with us
  • Please send in your summer holiday homework for the Exhibition next week (see newsletter)

Homework in Year 2

Maths: Place value sheet due back on Friday

English: Australia research due back on Friday

Spellings: sheet sent home for the quiz on Friday


Please read with your child every day. Many children are decoding their reading books well but find answering the comprehension questions much harder. We are working on this at school but it will really help if you can also ask questions during home question time. Please see our class page for further ideas (files section).