Year 2 Looking back and forth 18th June

Friday 18th June 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 2

Looking back:

We have been very busy this week as always. In reading work, the children have shown me that they can answer comprehension questions by looking carefully at the text. Maths has seen them practise all their skills and use them to solve problems. In history, we have started a new topic learning about castles and in Science we are learning about healthy foods. In English we continued to explore our new book, Rosie Revere and learned some new vocabulary.


Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Making Father’s Day cards (see school bags)
  • Maths games because we are having fun but also learning
  • Rosie Revere
  • Dance with Laura Wilson
  • Tennis in PE
  • Art – making a castle picture


Family discussion questions:  

  • How many new words can you remember from Rosie Revere?
  • Where are the Isles of Scilly?


Looking forward:

  • Reading books are changed on Mondays (Tuesday) – but please ensure your child has their pack with them every day
  • Wear bright clothes to dance in on Monday.
  • Rosie Revere, Engineer
  • Maths investigations and arithmetic
  • Art
  • History of castles
  • Science