Year 2 Looking Back and Forth 24.1.25

Y2 Friday 24th January 2025– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back:  This week we have made and added equal groups in maths and identifying multiplication calculations from arrays as part of our learning about multiplication. We have written our own setting narratives and edited our work to include all the language features to interest our reader. In Computing, we used Purple Mash to learn how technology can be used to create music.

Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • I’ve enjoyed writing our Night Gardener stories x 12 chn
  • I enjoyed making music in Computing
  • My highlight was learning why the Great Fire of London spread so quickly x 7 chn
  • I enjoyed everything x 15 chn
  • My highlight was singing songs about the Great Fire. 

Family discussion questions:

  • This week we have talked about people that we appreciate  as part of our My Happy Mind lessons. Talk to your child about who you appreciate and why.
  • This weekend is the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, which many children have shown an interest in. Can you spot any birds and other nature this weekend? What could you do to encourage nature into your garden?

Looking forward:

Next week we will read and enjoy a range of poetry and look at using arrays to solve multiplication questions.

 PE is on FRIDAYS! Please ensure school PE kit is worn.

Reading books are changed on Mondays. The reading folder is needed in school every day. Thank you.

Please continue to read every night as this underpins so much learning in Year 2. For every consecutive 14 days of reading the children will receive 10 house points and see their face on the ‘Reading Challenge Wall of Fame’. Well done to the 4 children that received certificates this week. Please record when you read with your child in their reading diaries so we can track their progress and see who has completed the challenge this term!

Thank you for your continued support,

Mr Warhurst