Year 2 Looking back and Forth 25th June

Friday 25th June 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 2

Looking back:

The weeks are flying by in Year 2 and they continue to be a wonderful class. We are continuing to enjoy our book in English and will be writing our own version shortly. The children have completed maths questions covering the whole of the Year 2 curriculum this week. In history we discovered when the first castles were built in the UK and began to look at their features. As scientists we are looking at types of food and sorting into the correct groups after solving some misconceptions. We enjoyed the work of Paul Klee and have begun to create similar work. This week we recorded the dance performance with Laura Wilson School of Dance. Thank you for sending the children in bright clothes. They looked amazing and I hope to be able to share the recording with you soon.  

Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Recording the dance performance
  • Maths booklets
  • Rosie Revere story
  • Sports day practise in PE
  • Art – making a castle picture
  • castles


Family discussion questions:  

  • When were castles first built and why?
  • What are the food groups called?


Looking forward:

  • Reading books are changed on Mondays (Tuesday) – but please ensure your child has their pack with them every day
  • PE reverts to Tuesday and Friday. Please send children in school PE kit on those days
  • Rosie Revere, Engineer
  • Maths investigations
  • Art
  • History of castles
  • Science
  • Year 2 Sports day is 9th July for children only. This year’s activities will be class based so no special clothing is required. Please see the newsletters for detail.