Year 2 looking back and forth 28th May

Friday 28th May 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 2

Looking back:

I am so proud of Year 2. They have worked really hard with all their learning this week and earned their afternoon of Golden Time fun. Have a great half term break and I will see you in a week!


Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Writing the letter from Mr. Bear
  • Missing number maths
  • Reading
  • Releasing the butterflies and having some of them sit on our hands
  • Caterpillar diaries
  • Golden Time

Family discussion questions:  

  • What flowers do you know that grow from a bulb?
  • If I count in 5s from zero, will I get to 239?


Looking forward:

  • Reading books are changed on Mondays (Tuesday) – but please ensure your child has their pack with them every day
  • A new story to explore
  • Maths problems
  • Time, money and shape
  • Reading questions
  • Geography and music
  • Dance – see letter sent home this week


Homework in Year 2

Please read with your child every day. Many children are decoding their reading books well but find answering the comprehension questions much harder. We are working on this at school but it will really help if you can also ask questions during home question time. Please see our class page for further ideas (files section).


Telling the time sheet - due back on Friday.

Please help your child to learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We will have a quiz every week. When your child knows the first sheet I will send home a sheet with mixed up times tables. You can use the Percy Parker You Tube videos or chant them. The best way to learn them is to practise for short periods every day, rather than once a week. Please keep the sheet at home so you can practise. Times Table Rockstars passwords were sent home today.



Complete the sentence editing work for next Friday.



The quiz on Friday will be phonics based words, so no sheet has been sent home.