Year 2 Looking back and Forward 10th September

Friday 9th September 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 2

Looking back:

What a fantastic first week! I am so proud of how well everyone has settled into Year 2. We have been busy getting to know each other and sharing the learning remembered from last year. The children have been getting used to our class rules and have really impressed me with their listening skills. I hope you all have a good weekend.

Year 2 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Maths
  • Number bonds to ten
  • Mixing paint to make a colour wheel
  • Geography
  • Writing about what happened in the holidays
  • Getting to know Mrs Freeman

Family discussion questions:  

  • What colours can be made by mixing two primary colours?
  • Talk to your children about building on earlier learning and what the learning wall means to them.


Looking forward:

  • Reading books will be sent home. They are changed on Mondays – but please ensure your child has their pack with them every day
  • Maths – the place value of numbers
  • Writing a story
  • Investigating being healthy in Science work
  • Introducing the Exhibition
  • Geography – United Kingdom


Homework in Year 2

I will be sending homework from next week - Friday

Please read with your child every day. Many children are decoding their reading books well but find answering the comprehension questions much harder. We will be working on this at school but it will really help if you can also ask questions during home question time. Please see our class page for further ideas (files section).