Year 3 Looking Back and Forth 7/3/25

Friday 7th March 2025 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 3

Looking back:

We started the week off by getting in the writing mood this week – a darkened classroom, sweet-smelling air and the sights and sounds of the jungle. A great way to be inspired to write. We have loved the work we have done on prepositions and vocabulary. In maths, we have continued to work through measurement, learning about converting and comparing measurement, we worked hard to find out about Emily Jayne Cummins as we watched her talk about her life so far as an inventor in History and in geography, we completed our work on London and cities of the UK and locating them using the eight compass points and geographical language. We enjoyed our problem-solving task this morning using positive language only to break down barriers, we had a great rounders session in PE this week too and Science was brilliant – experimenting with torches as part of our light and dark topic and finishing it off with a session to enjoy World Book Day in our pyjamas!

Finally, we ended another great week at school by enjoying our hard-earned Marble Jar treat – a games afternoon – what fun!

Year 3 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Setting the mood for our writing in English
  • Our light and shadows experiments in science
  • Removing our mountain with positivity
  • Finishing our brilliant history work
  • Chicken burger day!
  • Marble Jar treat and snacks to go with it!
  • Everything!

Family discussion questions:

Ask your children…

  • How does Emily Cummins decide what she might invent?
  • How did we create the mood in English on Monday?
  • What is 340mm in cm?

Looking forward:

This coming week will be filled with planning and preparing for our final piece in English, about the journey of water, building our knowledge of perimeter in maths, completing our work on the computers all about Emily Cummins in History, reading chapter 3 of The Abominables in reading, working on Chester and Edinburgh in Geography, learning how to compose a short piece to represent the process of inventing in Music, more rounders in PE and lots more of course!

Just a quick reminder that PE is on Tuesday and trousers need to be worn if at all possible please as the children are doing rounders outside and although the weather has improved, it still gets quite cold out there on the field – many thanks.


Mrs Sant