Year 4 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 6th October 2023

Friday 6th October– Looking Back & Forth in Year 4

Looking back:

This week, the worker bees of Year 4 have been hard at work.  Learning all about honey bees and solitary bees.  In maths, we have continued to ‘buzz’ around Place Value.    We have continued to read the White Fox by Jackie Morris.  After two chapters, we have worked out a lot of things about the main character Sol, but we still have lots of questions about the white fox.  We are looking forward to seeing if the white fox and Sol have an adventure together. 

Questions to ask at home  -

  • What is a solitary bee?
  • What facts can you tell me about solitary bees?
  • What is a pheromone?
  • How do bees communicate?
  • What does the word ‘domesticated’ mean?
  • Tell me something amazing about honey?

Children’s highlights of the week

  • Bee sculptures
  • Working on place value in maths
  • Creating my bee report
  • Creating my double page spread all about bees
  • The art work
  • P.E.
  • Creating my poster 

Looking forward:

This next week, the children will be working hard preparing all of their work for the Exhibition.  The children have all worked incredibly hard already.  We are super proud of them and can’t wait to share all their fantastic work with you all.

Homework in Year 4

Maths – Exercise 3

English – contractions and nouns sheet

Reading – daily at least 15 mins – remember to take the Accelerated Reader Quizzes

Rockstars – as much as possible 10 mins daily is ideal – at least once a week for 20 mins

Spellings  – Mrs Riddell – Please learn them for the test on Wednesday.  It is better to look at them for 5 minutes each day than try to learn them all in one night.  The children remember them better learnt over the week.

Could the children please complete their homework in pencil or blue/black pen not felt tip.

Timestables – x2, x4, x8, x9 this week – There will be new timestables on Friday 

(Homework can be handed it at anytime before Friday, the children know where the basket is)

 Letters and Reminders

Homework club

18th October /19th October – Annual Exhibition

18th October – 5pm – Year 3 and 4 Performance

12th January – Year 4 Cake Sale

Reminders for this week – Please check the weekly Newsletter for more detail

Nightly reading recorded in reading record – make sure it comes to school on Friday

Reading challenge has started – 20 reads in the reading record =10 house points

Please encourage your child to record their reading in their reading records.