Year 4 we 20th July
What a briliant week!
The highlight for me was the year 6 production 'Pirates of the Curry Bean' it was such fun and I was so pleased that the children in my class had the opportunity to watch it, especially those with older siblings in year 6. It was great! In two years' time, it will be your turn, year 4!
We had a wonderful time making chairs and I was extremely pleased with the results. I will try and put photos on the class page to show you our efforts. Very many thanks to Mrs Goodwin, Mr and Mrs Boardman, Mrs Lomax, Miss Memmott and Martha's Grandad who all came in to give us a very welcome hand. This is something that would take me all year if I had to do it by myself!
I have sent most books home but there will still be some bits and pieces on Monday so please send in empty school bags.
I have had a wonderful year with this class - they have been a delight and I will miss them all very much. Hopefully I might see them again in year 6 and I will certainly look forward to that!
Have a brilliant summer and very best of luck for year 5 - you will be marvellous!
Mrs Cooper