Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 13th September 2019

Y6 - Friday 13th September 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

Our first full week in Year 6 has gone exceptionally well.  We have completed our first full round of lessons and are beginning to learn such a wide range of facts and information.  Our work towards the Exhibition 2019 is now well under way and we have begun to look at flight, inventors, The Bible and other bits & pieces.  The pupils have completed their first full set of assessments to support the learning points and we are very pleased with the calm and sensible manner that they are displaying.

The homework has begun for all staff – please see below for an outline of what has been set, but for full details, click on the “Homework” tab towards the top of the Year 6 webpage.  If any family does have any queries, you can contact the teachers in a variety of ways.

The pupils were also issued with their homework diaries on Friday.  We have advised them to use these as they wish, but not to put personal details in – e.g. surnames, phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses, etc.  The pupils have been tasked with getting their diaries signed by parents at home.  They are designed on a “one week per page” style with a designated space at the bottom for a parental – and a school – signature.  The diary should be brought into school each day.  They will be checked by Mrs. Timmins on a Friday. If the diary is signed for that particular week, then the pupil will be awarded housepoints.  Please do help the pupils with this as they learn to develop their responsibility of taking ownership of these books.  Thank you.

A great first full week, Year 6.  Keep it up!

The Year 6 Team

Letters issued Y6:

Key Stage 2 Visit – MOSI – Issued Wednesday 11th September

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Seeing the reception pupils start to settle in (when we passed through their playground)
  • Working in the hall
  • Finding out about flight
  • Our new diaries

Family discussion questions:

  • Grammar Focus: When writing sentences, we use a pair of brackets, dashes or commas to add p……….  What does the “p” stand for?
  • Tell me about the inventory you have begun to study.
  • What have you learned about flight?

Looking forward:

  1.  Next week, we shall continue with our learning towards the Exhibition.  We are welcoming our PCSO into school on Tuesday to talk about road safety.  Tuesday is also our Premier Sports lesson – please can pupils have their PE kits in for this session.  Thank you.


Mrs. Timmins:

Spellings – Year 3&4 NC word list                                

(Set:  13.09.19;  Due:   20.09.19)

Mrs. Cooper:  

History Homework                              

(Set:;   Due: ongoing)

Miss Atkins:   

Maths Arithmetic Sheet          

(Set:  20.09.19;  Due:  22.09.19)