Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 20th September 2019

Y6 - Friday 20th September 2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

Our work towards the Exhibition has really taken off (excuse the pun) with work on flight and inventors really beginning to take shape.  Premier Sports continue with the dance on Tuesdays and science has seen the pupils begin to learn about Carl Linnaeus.  Mrs. Timmins has set the pupils some extra homework, one of which is to interview a family member.  Please ensure that your child is aware of this – instructions were given out in class on Wednesday (18th).

The class enjoyed a special “meet the buddies” session on Friday.  This was to allow the reception pupils to meet some of the “bigger children”.  Most of them disappeared into the woods and had great fun chasing each other around on the field – thanks to the sunshine for making an appearance.  Unfortunately, this meant there was little time for starting their buddy books, so the pupils have brought these home to work on.  I (Mrs. T.) have said that I am very happy to work with them at lunchtime to help with folding, gluing, colouring and generally working on their books throughout the week.  Remember, Year 6, keep the books bright, colourful and simple, with accurate spelling and punctuation.  If you can have these in school for next Friday (27th) that would be great.

Letters issued Y6:

Letter regarding a visitor into school will come home on Monday 23rd September – please lookout for this.

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Playing with the new buddies – quote from lots of Y6 – “they’re sooooooo cute”
  • Finding out about the Wright brothers
  • Working with my friends
  • Lunchtime
  • Extra football and rugby sessions with the Premier Sports leaders

Family discussion questions:

  • Grammar Focus: What are a synonym and an antonym?
  • What did Carl Linnaeus invent/discover?
  • Tell me three things about Guglielmo Marconi.

Looking forward:

  1. An exciting week coming up. We shall be publishing our first proper piece of writing for the exhibition, as well as learning more about flight.  We’ll continue with our “Bible” actions and work on our dance composition.  Thursday will see us enjoy our day at MOSI.  Please ensure that pupils are in school on time on this day.  Thank you

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:                                    

Exhibition spellings      (Set:  20.09.19;  Due:   27.09.19)

Interview a family member about listening to music   (Set:  18.09.19;  Due:   27.09.19)

Song Titles       (Set:  18.09.19;  Due:   18.10.19)

Mrs. Cooper:                                      

Pictures of flight

(Set:  09.09.19;   Due:  ongoing)

Miss Atkins:   

Maths Arithmetic Sheet          

(Set:  24.09.19;  Due:  26.09.19)