Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 9th October 2020
Y6 – Friday 9th October 2020 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6
Looking back:
A super week in Year 6 this week – we have been ever-so-busy across the curriculum, learning much about writing, maths, science and music. We have seen the children studying pilgrimage; discussing relationships and responses to COVID; dancing with Premier Sports; making music outdoors (the weather was kind to us again); discussing bacteria; and creating adverts for houses for sale in Mohenjo-Daro! It really has been varied. English has seen us compose, edit and publish letters to Julia from Grandpa, to fit in with our “Good Thieves” work. You can view these by visiting the “Display Work Items” tab. They have been uploaded in four separate batches. See if you can find yours, Year 6, and share these with your families. They are super examples of writing.
On Friday, we issued each child with a strong, blue “Tuff Bag”. These should be big enough to hold pieces of homework; their diaries; and reading books. They have been labelled with the children’s names and will “fit” nicely into the classroom. Thank you – again – for supporting us with this.
We have seen an increase in how many pupils have been asking you at home to sign their diaries and many housepoints have been issued this week. How many HPs next week? We’ll see.
Letters issued Y6:
Parent Governor election forms were issued to each child on Wednesday (7th October).
Kingswood letters have been put back whilst we check the very latest guidance on residentials but we will keep you informed as soon as possible.
Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:
- Publishing my English writing
- Maths
- Music outside in the fresh air
- Dance and (probably) PE
- Publishing English
- Lunch, break, and more lunch
Family discussion questions:
- Why are you “selling houses” in Mohenjo-Daro and where in the world is this?
- Tell me what you’ve learned about good and bad bacteria.
- Show me how to divide using factors. (e.g. 720 ÷
Looking forward:
- PE Kits are required on Tuesday and Friday
- Signed homework diaries on Thursday please
- Homework due dates – please see belo
Homework in Year 6
Mrs. Timmins:
Spellings – The prefixes auto- and circum-
(Set: 09.10.20; Due: 16.10.20)
Mrs. Cooper:
(Set: 08.10.20; Due: 14.10.20)
Miss Atkins:
Maths Arithmetic Sheet
(Set: 13.10.20; Due: 15.10.20)