Year 6 - Week in Review - Friday 17th November 2017

Every week, there is something different happening either in Year 6, or across the school, and this week has not let us down again.

Our regular lessons across the curriculum have seen us writing newspaper reports based upon Alfred Noyes' poem "The Highwayman".  We've also been working on fractions in maths.  Mrs. Cowell has seen us continuing our science work about evolutionary pioneers and studying fossils, not to mention a bit of French, and working on our hockey skills.

We are lucky to have so many adults to support Year 6 with their learning.  Mrs. Benson worked on hat design on Thursday and Friday morning saw our pupils enjoy practising and enhancing their tag rugby skills with our Premier Sports Leaders.

However, Friday afternoon was a little different.  We began with an assembly - as usual - but then, the children enjoyed a whole afternoon of wellbeing activities.  Staff had planned a variety of tasks including making sprites in the woods, painting pebbles, colouring, yoga, scavenging on a hunt, and basically, having time to choose tasks which made the pupils happy and comfortable, contributing to a positive wellbeing.  Year 6 of course, had extra time with their buddies - always special.

There are photos from our learning this week - visit the tab below the news items, labelled "Display Work Items" and you'll seel lots of images.  Click the first one, and you can then enjoy scrolling through to see what we've been up to.

Thank you - The Year 6 Team

Questions to ask your son/daughter might include:

Tell me who the Redcoats were.

What fossils were you looking at?

Which hat were your describing with Mrs. Benson and which hat was your favourite?

What's the difference between a prime number and a prime factor?

Did you make a wood sprite on Friday or paint a pebble or try yoga?


Notes for next week:

Tuesday 21st November: Parents' Evening

Thursday 23rd November: Parents' Evening

Thursday 23rd November: Miss Atkins' maths homework due today

Friday 24th November: Mallory - it's your free dress day

Friday 24th November: Mrs. Timmins' spellings due

Friday 24th November: Premier Sports - PE Kits required