Year 6 - Week in Review - Friday 1st December 2017

December already?  We keep saying in school that time is passing too quickly.  It must be that we are enjoying ourselves so much, surely.

This week, Mrs. Cowell was making 'blood smoothies' with the class.  It was an unusual - and fruity - concoction, to say the least.  It was interesting that one of our pupils then attended a session where her parent donated blood and our pupil not only quized the nurse in attendance, but brought into school some information and a wonderful display.  It's great that what goes on in school is often taken further outside the classroom.  A really intereting display is now on show in Year 6 for anyone who's interested in finding out more.

Mrs. Cowell has also been looking at time in French, and discussing timetables, which has crossed nicely with the work in maths regarding the skill of interpreting timetables and time intervals.  PE proved exciting too, with lots of hopping going on during Monday's lesson - photos to prove it in our gallery section.

Beowulf is the story we are focusing on for our English this week.  We began by looking at some very unusual vocabulary on Tuesday - thanes, mead, Hrothgar, tribute, etc. and trying to match words with meanings.  The pupils are now in the process of composing some stunning narrative tales to accompany the film clips.  In time, we shall post some in the gallery sections.  For now, there are some short phrases which some of the class have identified as their favourite sections.  We'll upload more as they come through.

Thursday afternoon saw the pupils continue with their work on hats and the chronology of design and use, etc.  Mrs. Benson is leading them through a detailed process and again, there are a few pictures on the link.

Other thoughts this week include a super time with our buddies, enjoyable sessions with the Premier Sports coaches, carol concert practices, guided reading sessions and lots more.

We're gearing up for Christmas now.  The advent calendar is up, but needs a few to take the first three chocolates on Monday (we forgot on Friday as we were keen to get to the wonderful PTA Christmas Bazaar).


Questions to ask this week include:

Tell me about the blood smoothie!

What did your "hat" session focus on this week?

Why are hyphens used in some words?

Where was Deidre travelling from and to?

What is mead?

Who is Magnus?


Notes for next week:

Wednesday 6th December: Permission slip due for "The Sound of Music" at HCCS

Thursday 7th December: Miss Atkins' maths homework due today

Friday 8th December: Mrs. Timmins' Spellings due today

Friday 8th December: Premier Sports session - warm, outdoor clothing recommended.


Letters given out 01.12.17:

Visit to HCCS to see "The Sound of Music" - signed permission form due Wednesday 8th December.

Information leaflet for Christmas Trees