Year 6 - Week in Review - Friday 24th March 2017
This week has seen our pupils enjoy a mixture of activities. We've been looking at Charles Causley's poem "Timothy Winters" and finding out what life was like for him as a young man and we've drawn sketches of what we think he might look like. Maths has seen us practising our multiplication and division of fractions and now we're consolidating our knowledge of long division with Mrs. Timmins
Mrs. Cowell's been busy teaching us about The Titanic and more from our science topic and this week was a little unusual as we began with Mrs. Benson on Monday, looking further at hat designs.
We welcomed our class governor, Ms. Davies, on Wednesday who enjoyed spending time finding out about our learning and we were very happy to share our thoughts with her.
We were excited this week to receive a tweet from Katherine Rundell. She is the author of our class novel "Rooftoppers" and when we tweeted her to say how much we were enjoying the book, she replied to us. How special. Thank you, Miss Rundell.
Of course, Friday afternoon was so lovely and sunny that we spent some super time with our buddies. They're just the best!
One more week in our spring term to come. Wow, how the time's flown by.
Kind regards
The Year 6 Team
Questions & thoughts from this week:
Tell me about Timothy Winters.....
What's the "Welfare State"?
So, what's on your hat timeline?
Notes for next week:
Thursday 30th March - Miss Atkins' maths homework due
Thursday 30th March - Mrs. Timmins' CGP revision homework due (please note this is one day earlier)
Friday 31st March - School closes for the Easter break