Year 6 - Week in Review - Friday 6th October 2017
Year 6 Week-in-Review: Friday 6th October 2017
This week has been full of interesting and exciting visitors – and lots of learning – in Year 6.
Our study of the River Thames has involved some “interesting” facts about a period in the river’s history when things were a tad ‘out of sorts’. More of that in the exhibition. We have been strengthening our knowledge of shape this week, with the drawing and measuring of circles, coupled with learning about the different quadrilaterals and their properties.
In the afternoons, we’ve been continuing with our knowledge of adaptation in science, looking at marine animals in particular; working with Premier Sports on our dance afternoons; continuing our artwork based on inspiration from Haeckel; and working with our visitors. On Wednesday afternoon, we participated in a range of activities led by Janet, who came to talk to us about water. She spoke on behalf of United Utilities and talked about the water cycle, recycling water, and how we might be able to cut down on our use of water.
On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Benson organised an exciting – and physical – afternoon of dance. We all enjoyed taking part in a dance workshop, led by Prajyoti. She explained to us the importance of water within the Hindu religion and we also learned some dance moves from a Hindu performance.
Friday saw us complete our week looking at revision and learning all about angles in maths, writing explanation texts in English, looking at spreadsheets in ICT and – of course – spending time with our Buddies on Friday. We also enjoyed a visit from two members of the Manchester Storm Ice Hockey team.
What a wonderful week in Year 6!
Questions to ask your son/daughter this week include:
Tell me what the two gentlemen from Manchester Storm talked about.
Can you show me any of your Hindu dance moves.
Who was Joseph Bazalgette and what object in all of our houses do we use every day, thanks to him?
Which marine animals have you been learning about?
How might we save a little water around the home?
Letters issued today (0): There were no “letters” issued today, but the pupils did bring home an information leaflet from United Utilities, in addition to a free pot of mini colouring pencils.
1)Our weekly newsletter is available to download from our website
Kind regards
The Year 6 Team
Notes for next week:
Tuesday 10th October: Premier Sports lesson (dance) – please have PE kits in school
Tuesday 10th October: Mrs. Cowell’s homework due today (design a poster)
Thursday 12th October: Miss Atkins’ maths homework due today
Friday 13th October: Mrs. Timmins’ spellings due today (shape vocabulary)
Friday 13th October: Harvest assembly for pupils (please see the newsletter for details of donations)