Year 6 - Week in Review - Friday 8th June 2018
Year 6 - Week-in-Reivew - Friday 8th June 2018
Tricky to believe that we've only enjoyed a four-day week as we really do seem to have crammed in so much. We began the week with our units for transition which involved fact-finding about the classic author, Charles Dickens. We've been outside finding answers (but not the one Mrs. Timmins forgot!); watching Horrible Histories songs; and we've viewed a short animation. The class has collated these facts, organised them into chronological order and they have constructed biographical accounts of his life. Not only that, but we welcomed our school health team in to talk to us about changes that will be happening in different areas of our lives. We've enjoyed working on artistic projects with Mrs. Benson and with Mrs. Cowell, we've continued our French learning alongside a little more science.
We've finally finished our first run-through in class of "The Pirates of the Currybean" and next week, we shall begin allocating the remaining parts to pupils who are sharing roles, and making sure that all characters are covered. We finished our with with a true buddy afternoon. We enjoyed playing with our little buddies first, but we finished the afternoon on Friday by watching a DVD recording of the Currybean starring our older buddies who left Goostrey in 2012. That was a great time to reminisce.
Could we take a moment to ask families to check the website as it's being updated quite regualry. We have been asked for extra copies of the script for the Currybean so that families can help with learning lines so we have uploaded a copy to the website for families to view. In additon, we have updated the "Dates for your Diaries" with confirmation of the dates for the shows, and including the dates for hat-making, a visit to Liverpool and a few other dates.
We have also chatted today about the importance of wearing the required school uniform for both regular lessons and for PE sessions. We looked at the start-of-year pack and shared the school's expectations with regard to what is acceptable for uniform (including footwear) and how this is important until our last day in July. We do appreciate that the end of term is approaching and we are grateful for families' support with this.
Please note that the pupils have been issued with a parental consent letter for a visit to Liverpool on Thursday 28th June. This is to visit a mosque and the Anglican cathedral to support their learning in RE. It is available to download on our class page.
Finally, thank you to our parents for joining us at the Kingswood Information evening. If you weren't able to make it, your child will be bringing home a pack of information for you on Monday. I had hoped to upload this to the website for you tonight, but there are a few slides which need to be deleted and as the document is stored at school, I will need to amend this on Monday and upload it then.
We love this term - so busy and exciting, but our last one with our current class. We are enjoying spending time with them before they move on.
Many thanks
Mrs Timmins & the Year 6 team
Questions to ask your son/daughter this week include:
1) Explain the meaning of the words: prose, biographical, prolific, periodical and resilience.
2) Tell me five facts about Charles Dickens.
3) What was the name of his first published novel.
4) What gymnastics did you practise on Tuesday or which athletics did you enjoy on Friday?
5) What do you know about the Titanic's fateful night?
Notes for next week:
Tuesday 12th June: Premier Sports - appropriate kit required
Wednesday 13th June: Transition day to HCCS (non-HCCS pupils to attend Goostrey as normal)
Thursday 14th June: PTA Father's Day shop
Friday 15th June: Premier Sports - appropriate kit required