Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 11th June 2021

Y6 – Friday 11th June 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

We welcomed our super class back on Monday after a lovely, sunny half term and we’ve cracked on, once more, with some fabulous pieces of work.  ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Neil Gaiman is the focus for our English this half term and we have been a little intrigued by this darkly, traditional tale.  Maths has seen us working on a number of topics including understanding and applying the ‘Mean’ and being able to read and interpret line graphs.  We completed mind maps around the theme of ‘Respect’ and in Science, we have started to learn more about animals and humans.  The Qu’ran is the focus for our RE lessons this half term and we are also enjoying double Premier Sports too.  Mapwork and human geography takes up our Thursday afternoons and we are continuing to enjoy music with Mrs Sant.

The play – Ye Ha! – is going to be a continual topic – please could all pupils make sure that their scripts are in school every day.  Thank you.

As pupils have Premier Sports on a Tuesday, and therefore wear their school sports kit, they may also wear their hoodies for the day.  It’s also the same for Friday.  Wednesday is also “Wear What You Want” day – who’s going to beat Dipsy?

Please note that the Year 6 Growing Up Talk will take place on Wednesday 23rd June.  The presentation, which will be delivered by the school nurse, is available to view on the Year 6 page.  It is a clickable link under the "News Items" and is also as a "File to Download" too.

Letters issued Y6:

Bikeability Letters issued Monday 7th June

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • MP French with Mrs Cuttle
  • LP Getting our country’s flags for the Euros 2020
  • LH Reading Hansel and Gretel
  • BL Coming to school dressed as a Teletubby!
  • PR Doing the mapwork with Mrs Cooper
  • LP Racing the Receptions
  • OH Having extra PE lessons
  • DA Maths
  • FS Starting to rehearse the play
  • MW Reading our new book, Hansel and Gretel
  • PR Learning about the ‘mean’ inmaths
  • HT Having free dress day on Wednesday
  • MW Wearing our Leavers’ Hoodies and having our photos taken
  • NC Writing about Hansel and Gretel

Family discussion questions:

  • What would be the mean of the following measures: 34cm   28m  168mm?
  • What do the following words mean: dolt, famine, brocade, thicket, sinewy?
  • What are the beliefs to the origin of The Qu’ran?

Looking forward:

  • Monday 14th June – Class Photos
  • We are preparing in a very calm and understated way for our assessments next week, but also looking forward to learning more about our play, Ye Ha! We will be completing writing based on conversations between Gretel and her father, whilst looking at a range of topics for our foundation subjects.

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:                                    

Euros Flags – Research and handwrite 10 facts about the country you have chosen for the Euros 2020 tournament.

(Set:  11.06.21;  Due:   18.06.21)

Mrs. Cooper:                                      


(Set:  08.06.21;   Due:  15.06.21)

Miss Atkins:   

Maths Arithmetic Sheet

(Set:  15.06.21;  Due:  17.06.21)