Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 15th October 2021

Y6 – Friday 15th October 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

What a really interesting week we’ve enjoyed – such a diverse range of tasks and activities both in, and out of, our classroom.  The long list of pupil comments only serves to show how much we are enjoying our lessons – we have a really good class to work with during 2021-2022.

We began the week with a visit to the Crewe Alexandra Stadium to participate in the “Crucial Crewe” event.  This involved our pupils interacting with a range of professional bodies.  It was really worthwhile and we’ve included below a list of key questions that you could discuss with your children from the relevant authorities.

We’ve (almost) completed our work for the Exhibition.  We have worked really hard to prepare our work to a high standard – we hope you will enjoy looking at this when you visit.  Please do see our main page for details of when you are invited to visit – it is a little different this year.

We’ve also been listening to a range of music this week, both as we enter the classroom, and whilst working.  It’s surprising how many times we played a Bob Marley track, or a Louis Armstrong and the response from the children was “Oh, I know this!”.  Perhaps you might like to ask your child who they researched and to share a track or two with them!  Mrs Cowell was particularly fond of Louis Armstrong’s “We Have All The Time in the World”.

The class have produced some stunning artwork with both Mrs Cowell and Mrs Riddell too – allowing them to have some super time being creative and also allowing their own designs to show through.  These will look amazing when they are displayed.

On Thursday, we enjoyed a super dance session led by the very talented Laura Wilson. Everyone took part with lots of enthusiasm – even Mrs Timmins – and we’ve put a really wide selection of photos on the gallery page – why not head on over and take a look.  If you choose a line dance track on your music systems, then your children should be able to show you the dance.  They could even teach you!!

We’re almost at the end of our first half term in Year 6 – it’s gone so quickly and we have really enjoyed working with our new class.  The fact that we have also been allowed to resume our Buddy system has been such a massive bonus – the Year 6 and Reception have already formed such strong bonds and we can’t wait to see how these develop throughout their time together.

Here’s to a great week next week, before we break for half term.

Letters issued Y6:

None this week

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • LP Five minutes reading time
  • NC Sugar Skulls
  • AW PowerPoints
  • SH French with Madame Cuttle
  • MP PE – Tag Rugby
  • LT Crucial Crew
  • LK Buddytime
  • FC Publishing our English work
  • LP Art with Mrs Riddell
  • BH Maths – working on long division
  • LB Our Native American drawings
  • GA Miss Atkins’ arithmetic
  • MH Reading our reports of the States
  • EH Listening to music of African American musicians
  • SC Finishing our “Day of the Dead” drawings “Dia De los Meurtos”
  • WG Our States colouring
  • FC Line Dancing
  • DM ICT PowerPoints
  • BH 7UP

Family discussion questions:

  • Which musician did you research this week and what three things did you find out?
  • What is the three-digit phone number to ring in the event of a power cut at home?
  • Can you show me your line dance moves? Go on!
  • Which of the key questions below can your child answer?

Crucial Crewe Team:

British Transport Police

Why is there a yellow line painted on station platforms?

What speeds can trains travel on our railway lines?

What are the four key words and actions to remember?

Change Grow Live

What is the legal limit that people can buy alcohol?

Are all “drugs” bad?  Which ones are harmful and which are helpful?

Where might we find caffeine in our everyday lives?

Gist Lorries and Haulage

Explain why it is important to walk on the inside of the pavement.

What is a “blind spot” for a lorry driver?

What is “undertaking” when riding a bicycle next to a lorry?

Police Community Support Officers (online safety)

Who should be the ONLY people to share passwords with?

At what age are people allowed to use Instagram?

Tell me about how to stay safe online.

Canal and River Trust

What dangers did you spot on the large picture of a canal?

What is the difference between a canal and a river?

What does S.A.F.E stand for?

Powerwise – SP Energy

How many volts run through our homes?

What number should we call in the event of a power cut?

What is a “conductor” and an “insulator”? 

What were the gloves made from to stop the workers getting an electric shock?

Looking forward:

  • We are excited to share our Exhibition with you next week. The allocated day for Year 6 is Wednesday 20th
  • We will be “enjoying” our spelling test on Thursday, not Friday. Pupils will need to hand in their spellings on the same day as their maths for Miss Atkins.  Please be organised, Year 6!
  • Friday – half term begins – pupils can have a lie-in and relax!

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:                                    

Spellings (available to download on the Year 6 class page)

This week – irregular plurals.  We have gone through these in class.  Pupils should use their investigative skills to find the correct plurals of these spellings. 

(Set:  15.10.21;  Due: 21.10.21)

Mrs. Cowell:                                      

(Set:  ;   Due:  )

Miss Atkins:   

Maths Arithmetic Sheet

(Set:  19.10.21;  Due:  21.10.21)