Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 1st October 2021

Y6 – Friday  1st October 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

Week four has been just as busy in Year 6 with lots of learning across the curriculum.  We’ve completed our research for the buildings in New York and have started to plan a visit to Florida (don’t panic – it’s not our next class visit!).  We’ve learned about the Mississippi river and continued our research regard “The Day of the Dead”. 

Of course, the highlight of the week was Friday’s visit to Astbury – we were extraordinarily lucky with the weather – the sun was warm and helped the children to dry off having enjoying the rafting in the morning.  Firelighting and shelter building followed and by the end of Friday, everyone was happy, dry, warm, tired and – thanks to instructor Joe – painted up ready for battle. Apologies for the wet clothes and towels but these just proved what a great day we enjoyed and how well-behaved the class was.  Thank you for allowing the visit to run smoothly.  There are many photos to view this week – click on the “Display work items” tab to view.  Enjoy!

Letters issued Y6:

Crucial Crew – handed out Monday 27th September

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • The children left school on Friday before we’d had a chance to ask them but seeing how much they laughed and giggled at Astbury, this was definitely the highlight of the week.

Family discussion questions:

  • Tell me three facts about your New York building.
  • Which theme park are you researching?
  • What was your favourite part of the Astbury visit?

Looking forward:

  • We are looking forward to another great week with a slight change in focus for Mrs Timmins’ studies. The theme park research and planning will continue with our PE session on Friday as normal.  We also might be meeting some “little people” this week. J Friday is our Year 6 cake sale too – happy baking!
  • Please could the Year 6 have their "Buddy Books/Card" in school for Wednesday this week - thank you.

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:                                    

Spellings (available to download on the Year 6 class page)

(Set:  04.10.21;  Due:  08.10.21)

Mrs. Cowell:                                       

Ongoing homework – pupils may complete an extension task from the list

(Set:  22.09.21;   Due:  06.10.21)

Miss Atkins:   

Maths Arithmetic Sheet          

(Set:  05.10.21;  Due:  07.10.21)