Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 20th January 2023
Y6 – Friday 20th January 2023 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6
Looking back:
It’s been a week of learning new things in Year 6 – and consolidate some topics too. English has seen us learn about “Active Sentences” in which we can identify the subject (S), verb (V) and object (O). We’re also getting really good at changing simple past tense sentences into present and past progressive, and present and past perfect! You’re impressed, aren’t you? We’ve also completed the reading of Neil Gaiman’s version of ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and this week, we’ll be onto our writing to accompany the text. Scale Factors has been practised this week and we know all about what makes shapes similar, mathematically speaking, that is. We’ve looked at the ‘anatomy of a hat’ for our D&T project; we’ve enjoyed indoor PE with Mr Biggs – it was a bit too chilly and icy on the playground for basketball. Electricity has been a focus within science and we’ve been practising our knowledge of symbols for circuits, whilst coding has taxed our ICT brains. We’ve really enjoyed a diverse week.
Oh! Our weekly photos have returned this week - who can you spot working hard in class?
Letters issued Y6:
No letters this week
Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:
- Working in groups on our dialogue writing
- PE indoors today
- Buddies
- Maths – the similar shapes work
- Finding out about North America
- Looking at the parts of a hat
- Reading with my buddy
Family discussion questions:
- What two elements of a shape must be the same for the shapes to be “regular” e.g. a regular hexagon
- In similar shapes, the lengths of the sides change, but what stays the same?
- Tell me about the different parts of a hat!
- Which electricity symbols could you draw – and name – for me?
Looking forward:
- We are beginning to make use of our CGP revision books from next week – please look out for these as they will help massively with the pupils’ revision for their SATs. We are using the “little and often” method of revision rather than cramming it all in at the last minute.
- Other lessons will continue as normal – we’re looking forward to cracking on!
Homework in Year 6
Mrs. Timmins:
Spellings (available to download on the Year 6 class page)
(Set: 20.01.23; Due: 27.01.23)
Mrs. Cowell:
Please check with Mrs Cowell
(Set: ; Due: )
Miss Atkins:
Maths Arithmetic Sheet
(Set: 24.01.23; Due: 26.01.23)