Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 24th September 2021

Y6 – Friday 24th September 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

Week three is now completed and we’ve been very busy once more in Year 6.  To begin, thank you to families for ensuring that the Bikeability training was completed and that Year 6 were able to take full advantage of our super training team.  They have been reminded of road safety; keeping themselves safe as well as other road users; and will have increased their confidence whilst riding on the roads.

Back in the classroom, we’ve been identifying different buildings in New York and we are beginning to learn the specific details for each one.  Maths provided some rather tricky “missing number” questions this week too.  Our afternoon studies including continuing our research on different types and uses of hats; learning about state capitals; comparing the United States to the wider world; comparing climate data; and even welcoming a “guest speaker” into class, none other than Sir David Attenborough (via the marvels of BBC iPlayer!).

The biggest highlight of the week was surely a short “meet and greet” session with the new Reception pupils – our potential Buddies.  Year 6 were able to spend a short amount of time playing with our newest members of the school.  It’s lovely to see the Year 6 who are quite mature, getting back to playing on the adventure playground and being very caring with the new pupils.  This week, our class has been set the task of beginning to gather information towards making a “Buddy Book/Card” in preparation for meeting their new buddies very soon.  They have been given time to collect photos, thoughts, pictures, images, etc to introduce themselves to their new young friend.  We will chat more about this in class and Mrs Timmins has offered time over the next week if pupils would like help in making a card/book. 

From next week, we will be making more explicit use of the pupils’ homework diaries.  We would be grateful if you could remind the class that they should be bringing their diaries to and from school each day, but specifically on Thursday when these will be checked by an adult for messages, reading at home records, and of course – the issuing of housepoints.

We have also offered the pupils the opportunity to nominate themselves for the role of House Captains.  Usually, we have two pupils per house who take on this role.  Candidates have been asked to write a little statement (maximum 150 words) to say why they would like the role.  These should be submitted to their teachers by Wednesday 29th September. 

A reminder to pupils that all homework should be handed in as per the information below.  Some pupils were unsure about the spellings practice sheets – these are to be handed in each Friday although the “Buildings” sheet has been extended to Monday 27th.  Copies of the sheet are available to download under the “Homework” tab on the Year 6 class page.

We’re loving the many different song titles with American place names that are coming in each day.  Five house points for each one – lots were issued this week.  Keep them coming!

Letters issued Y6:

Astbury Visit – Email issued on Thursday 23rd with a link to Peak Adventure.  Parents must complete this online consent prior to our visit to Astbury on Friday 1st October.  Pupils will not be allowed to participate in the activities without this.

Crucial Crew at Crewe – Emailed copy of the consent form for this half-day visit issued on Friday.  Paper copies of the letter will come home on Monday. 

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • FC Playing with the new Reception children
  • MP Maths
  • ZW Bikeability
  • LK PE
  • SH Dragonflies with Mrs Cowell
  • GA Artwork with Mrs Riddell
  • SC English
  • FH Geography with Mrs Cowell
  • LP Maths
  • MH New England work

Family discussion questions:

  • Who were Andrew Carnegie, Walter Damrosch and William Burnett Tuthill? How are these three gentlemen connected?
  • What have you learned about the different states in North American?
  • Tell me one thing you learned from Bikeability.

Looking forward:

  • We are looking forward to week 4 and continuing our learning for the Exhibition in October. Next week, we will be learning about different tourist attractions for New York, as well as continuing our learning about the states.  Friday will be an exciting day as we are off to Astbury for our activity day.  This is a long-awaited visit which replaced the lost visit from Year 5.  We really appreciate that this is a very busy month but it makes for a really varied and interesting introduction to Year 6.

Dates for the week:

Monday: Mrs Timmins’ spellings due (if not handed in on Friday 24th)

Wednesday:  Mrs Cowell’s homework due

Thursday:  Miss Atkins’ homework due; homework diaries due;

Friday: Astbury visit – a reminder of what is required is below

  • Scruff clothes for getting wet and dirty
  • 2x spare sets of clothes – again that can get dirty
  • 1x spare pair of old shoes (one pair will get wet)
  • A towel
  • Study bag to hold all of the above
  • Plastic bag for wet clothes
  • A packed lunch and a water bottle
  • Bags of energy and enthusiasm ?

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:                                    

Spellings (available to download on the Year 6 class page)

Buildings-related vocabulary

(Set:  17.09.21;  Due:  27.09.21 – extended date)

Mrs. Cowell:                                      

US Homework

(Set:  22.09.21;   Due:  29.09.21)

Miss Atkins:  

Maths Arithmetic Sheet

(Set:  28.09.21;  Due:  30.09.21)