Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 25th June 2021

Y6 – Friday 25th June 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

Please enjoy our photos from this week – perhaps your children can talk you through them!

We have enjoyed a busy week in Year 6 – as usual, no two weeks are the same, and once again, we’ve spent much of the week outside.  Our narrative extracts have been completed and these just need publishing; we have continued to learn about angles in maths; lung capacity saw us working outdoors to experiment on Monday; we worked with Mrs Cowell on our annual “Take One Picture” project; the Qu’ran was a focus for RE; an we continued with our Scratch projects for IT.

Many pupils enjoyed a transition visit to Holmes Chapel and those who remained back in school enjoyed PE with Premier Sports – with a follow-up session on Friday.  French rounded off the week and the play – Ye Ha – is another of our highlights.

We are now looking forward to our final few weeks and cramming so many activities in – keep following our updates to see what we’ve been up to.

Letters issued Y6:

No letters this week

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Fancy dress days – IJ
  • Playing rounders with Mrs Cooper – OH
  • Cricket in Premier Sports – JP
  • French food and drink – MB
  • Visiting HCCS – PR
  • Listening to the ‘Growing Up’ talk – JA
  • Rehearsing YeHa – MW
  • Doing our last ever tests in primary school – LP
  • Transition Day JMcK
  • Having only 15 in the class on Tuesday! HT
  • Really fun maths in arithmetic – LP
  • English – MW
  • Finally finishing our pretend SATs – PR
  • Finishing off our pillows

Family discussion questions:

  • Tell me what you know about The Qu’ran.
  • How did you measure lung capacity?
  • What is special about opposite angles?

Looking forward:

  • We are looking forward to a relatively “normal” week with all of our regular lessons going on. Please could the pupils ensure they have their scripts in class every day as we will be practising the play from now on – most days at some point.  Wednesday continues to be ‘wear what you want’ – very interesting so far!!!

Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday 30th June             Wear What You Want Wednesday
  • Wednesday 7th July                 Year 6 – Bikeability Day 1;   Wear What You Want Wednesday
  • Thursday 8th July                     Bikeability – Day 2
  • Monday 12th July                     Day visit to Kingswood
  • Wednesday 14th July              Wear What You Want Wednesday
  • Monday 19th July                    Year 6 Production – DVD Filming
  • Wednesday 21st July              Wear What You Want Wednesday
  • Thursday 22nd July                 Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:                                    

Rehearsing lines for Ye-Ha!

(Set:  25.06.21;  Due:  02.07.21)

Mrs. Cooper:                                      

As Mrs Timmins