Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 28th March 2025
Y6 – Friday 28th February 2025 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6
Looking back:
It was lovely to welcome our pupils back after a relaxing half term break. This week, we have introduced our new class read for English: Gill Lewis’ “A Story Like The Wind” will make up the focus for this half term. In addition, we have really consolidated our knowledge of finding the area of rectilinear shapes and triangles. During our afternoon sessions, we have looked at Skara Brae; enjoyed visiting Young Voices; completed a carousel of revision quizzes; challenged ourselves with “The 1% Club”; navigated a crash course in coding for IT; played rounders; played with our buddies; learned about the Five Pillars of Islam – Sawm in particular; and really enjoyed being back with our friends. We welcomed Miss Bardill to our class for the week. Miss Bardill is a secondary maths teacher who came to work with us in Year 6: we really enjoyed having her with us and we hope she may pop back to see us again in the future. Once again, we have lots of photos for you to see on our “Display Work Items” page – why not take a look to see what we’ve been up to?
Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:
- IG Beginning our new story book for English
- LW Rounders in PE
- CT Singing at Young Voices
- RN Working with Mrs Sant for music
- AC Arithmetic
- MJ The “History of the Earth” timeline
- RG Buddies
- JD Maths with Mrs Hughes
- EH Playing “The 1% Club”
Family discussion questions:
- Tell me the formula to find the area of a triangle; what is a rectilinear shape? Can you draw one?
- Tell me about the history of the Earth
- What were you learning about with Mrs Sant?
- What is the title of your new book for English?
Looking forward:
- We are looking forward to World Book Day on Thursday – pupils may wear pyjamas for the day (with shorts & t-shirt underneath). This supports the idea of getting comfy and snuggling down with a good book, just before bedtime.
Homework in Year 6
Mrs Timmins
Spelling Shed – paper homework sheet and online task
CGP English & Maths books
Miss Atkins
Arithmetic Sheet