Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 28th May 2021

Y6 – Friday 28th May 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

The last week of the half term saw us “finishing off” quite a few of our class projects.  For English, we have completed our newspaper reports; published our “Flashback Stories”; and closed the unit on our lovely class book “A Story Like The Wind”.  Our stories are available to download and read on the “Display Work Items” tab – there are four batches (as Adobe documents) to browse through to find your own, Year 6!  They really are worth a read and we are all so very, VERY proud of them.  Our news reports may be published soon – we’ll let you know when.

Elsewhere, we have used the language “FOR EVERY” whilst we get to grips with the maths topic of “Ratio”.  In French, we have finished our topic and given Mrs Cuttle some really valuable feedback.  Our cushions have been stitched and finished – and Mrs. Cooper has made sure that we were really careful when using the sewing machine.  We completed our post-topic learning on Hinduism and we have all enjoyed a final swim in the pool.

We've added in a section below with upcoming dates - this may be updated each Friday.  

Thank you

The Year 6 Team

Letters issued Y6:

None this week

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Being in the pool one last time;
  • French with Mrs Cuttle;
  • Sewing our cushions to finish them off
  • Working on “The Island”
  • Writing our newspaper reports on the laptops
  • Publishing our “Flashback” stories
  • Finding out about the play – “YeHa”

Family discussion questions:

  • What happens in “The Island” and what were you doing in the hall with Mrs Cooper?
  • Talk to me about your newspaper report.
  • What have you enjoyed about being in school for the first half of the summer term?

Looking forward:

  • We are looking forward to our final half term with lots of exciting dates ahead. You may have heard about Year 6 being able to wear their own clothes on Wednesdays.  Miss Atkins has allowed our class the choice to “wear what you want” on Wednesdays – it really is that “open”.  All we ask is that this is daywear – no onesies, pyjamas, dressing gowns, etc.  Someone asked if they could wear a costume – this didn’t produce a “no”!!  Let’s see, shall we!  Year 6 are also allowed to wear hoodies to and from school (as a coat) from Monday to Thursday, but will be able to wear them all day (if it’s not too tropical) on Fridays.
  • Workwise – we’ll be starting a new class book for English and looking to include some new learning in maths, as well as beginning exciting work for our foundation subjects too. We’ll also be looking to learn our lines for our class play too.

Dates for Summer 2021 – further details to be issued as appropriate – thank you

Monday 14th June               School photographs

Tuesday 15th June              Maths end-of-year assessment – Paper 1 Arithmetic

Wednesday 16th June         Maths end-of-year assessment – Paper 2 Reasoning

Thursday 17th June             Maths end-of-year assessment - Paper 3 Reasoning    

Monday 21st June               English end-of-year assessment – Reading

Tuesday 22nd June              HCCS Transition day – Curriculum  (all non-HCCS pupils in school as normal)

Wednesday 23rd June         Growing Up Talk for Year 6 – Nurse to deliver

Thursday 24th June             English end-of-year assessment – Grammar and Spelling

Monday 28th June               School Sports Day

Wednesday 7th July             Year 6 – Bikeability

Thursday 8th July                HCCS Transition day – Pastoral  (all non-HCCS pupils in school as normal)

Monday 12th July                 Day visit to Kingswood

Monday 19th July                 Year 6 Production – DVD Filming

Thursday 22nd July              Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:                                    

No spellings set over half term

Mrs. Cooper:                                      

No science set over half term

Miss Atkins:   

Maths Arithmetic Sheet

(Set:  08.06.21;  Due:  10.06.21)