Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 8th October 2021

Y6 – Friday 8th October  2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

Looking back:

We have enjoyed a super week in Year 6 – in the classroom, on the trust tables, in the junior hall, outside on the playground, everywhere.  But – surely there’s been nothing to top the excitement and enjoyment of seeing the Year 6 in the Reception outdoor playground, of course, meeting their buddies.

We were so pleased to see the time, care and attention they had all put into making their little cards about themselves and on Thursday, we surprised the class with a short meet & play with their new little friends.  On Friday, they all played together once more and enjoyed lots of energetic chasing around and lots of laughing and bond-building.  To see the return of this much-loved activity has just been amazing.  We were so thrilled to see them playing together.  A huge THANK YOU to Mrs Flint for working her magic and creating the most amazing pairings once again.

Throughout the last week, we have been focusing on improving our knowledge and work for our exhibition in a few weeks. We have begun to consider the music of America and we’ve been listening to some different genres as we enter the classroom in the mornings and settle ourselves.  We are also looking at how black music history has developed over the centuries and decades, its origins and how the genre has developed through many different avenues. 

We have also enjoyed working alongside Faith Bebbington – on a collective piece of work that all of the Goostrey pupils will have contributed to – wait and see.

Our artwork with Mrs Cowell continues apace as does our study of The Day of the Dead with Mrs Riddell.

Letters issued Y6:

No letters issued this week

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • LB: Buddies (To be honest, every Year 6 would have picked Buddies this week ?)
  • LK: PE – we did tag rugby with Mr Biggs
  • MP: Maths
  • SC: English on Friday
  • FH: Art with Mrs Riddell and French with Mrs Cuttle
  • SH: Our work with Mrs Cowell about animals and PowerPoints
  • EF: Mathematics
  • SC: Our dragonflies
  • MP: Arithmetic
  • DM: Silent reading time

Family discussion questions:

  • What genres of music have you been listening to in class?
  • Tell me about working with Faith Bebbington – what was your contribution to the project?
  • Which animals have you chosen for your research.
  • Explain to me – and even better, show me – what the “drop down” method is.

Looking forward:

  • We are looking to complete our Exhibition work and we will be finding out a little about the music that originated in America – you may have guessed a few names from our spellings last week
  • We have a session on Thursday morning with the Laura Wilson School of Dance – pupils are allowed to come in PE kits on this day
  • Homework diaries are due in for checking on Thursday please
  • Buddy time on Friday afternoon – PE too on this day

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins:                                    

Spellings (available to download on the Year 6 class page)

(Set:  08.10.21;  Due:   15.10.21)

Mrs. Cowell:                                      

(Set:  ;   Due:  )

Miss Atkins:   

Maths Arithmetic Sheet

(Set:  12.10.21;  Due:  14.10.21)