Year 6 - Looking Back and Forth - Friday 9th July 2021

Y6 – Friday 9th July 2021 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 6

We will begin sending the pupils books home this week - please keep an eye out for these.  Thank you

Looking back:

One of the busier weeks in Year 6 with lots going on.  Our focus is now rehearsing our play which is going quite well – the pupils almost know their lines word perfect and on Friday, we began to rehearse on the stage.  It’s going to be a busy week next week as we try to perfect everything before filming on the 19th.  Away from the theatricals, Bikeability was a really important skill that they children have practised.  Sadly, Wednesday’s group got a little “wet” as the July downpours arrived but overall, they have all passed and will hopefully have become more ‘road savvy’ thanks to the super instructors.

Monday also saw the Fun Run in pyjamas and once our run was completed, we stayed behind to watch the Reception children charge around the track and we cheered them on!  We also nipped over to support them with their Sports Day on Friday – that was amazing to see them doing so well and having so much fun.

Our pupils have enjoyed being milliners too – there are now so many hats sitting in the classroom and our hall – they look spectacular (although the classroom floor didn’t during the making process!).  Fair to say though, they cleared up after themselves well.  If they’re looking to earn some pocket money over the summer, perhaps a cleaning business might be an option! No, really!  They are good!

Sports day on Friday went really well – the pupils enjoyed the new-style but did miss having family to cheer them on.  Beyond our control, but what they did say is that it was nice to be able to cheer their classmates on together – a symbol of how cohesive this class are (not getting teary-eyed at all as we write this!)

So, we have nine school days left and they are busy, busy, busy.  There will be a few letters coming home with information about Tegg’s Nose (amongst other things!) so please be on the lookout for emails and texts next week.  Sadly no photos this week - our camera card has crashed!

Letters issued Y6:

None this week

Year 6 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Making hats – AWG
  • Rehearsing the play – MB
  • Bikeability – AS
  • Sports Day – FG
  • Watching Reception do their sports day – JP
  • Making a pom pom – LH
  • Pyjama Day – LP
  • The Fun Run – DA
  • Seeing Mrs Livingstone before she left – RG
  • Making Hats - LH

Family discussion questions:

  • What does your finished hat look like?
  • What did you learn from your Bikeability lessons?
  • Tell me events you enjoyed for Sports Day.

Looking forward:

  • We have only four more rehearsals for our play so we’ll be devoting each morning to practising – as we are using props and costumes from now on, then we do need the full morning sessions to perfect this. We’ll be ready to go on Monday with these so if your child has their outfit ready, please do send this into school with them. If not, if these could be in by Friday morning, that would be fab.
  • We also have our activity day on Thursday – a letter is being issued on Monday – please check emails for details although we will give paper copies too.
  • At the time of writing and updating the website – good luck to JP & EC who have England in our class sweepstake for the Euros 2020 – they are against HT with Italy. We wish H well too, but fingers crossed for an England win!

Homework in Year 6

Mrs. Timmins & Mrs Cooper:                                    

Preparing for Ye Ha!