Yr 4 Friday 22nd March - Looking Back and Forth

Friday 22nd March  2019 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 4

Looking back:

A suitcase arrived on Monday, and the class explored the contents – this led to the writing unit on Recounts.  The children followed the journey of a family man fleeing a country in peril, to find a new life for him and his family.  In Maths, we looked at different elements of shape and space.  Perpendicular and parallel lines were explored and drawn, as well as reviewing acute and obtuse angles.  In our topic work we had a look at the diet of the Tudors, it was impressive how much food Henry VIII could consume in a week!  The children and I agree, when it comes to diet, the poor people in Tudor times were much healthier.  The children are Wednesday went for a 'sounds walk' around the school, for our new science topic on sound.

The children worked hard on Bikeability on Friday, and achieved their level one.  The instructor was impressed with their perseverance as well as excellent listening.  I was very proud of them.  Mr Few, our class Governor came to work with the class on Friday and awarded the children their certificates and badges. 

Year 4 – Pupils’ Highlights:

  • Bikeability
  • Computer work on Purple Mash
  • The Arrival in English
  • Maths – looking at perpendicular and parallel lines.
  • Exploring Tudor food – the rich ate a lot of meat!
  • Book lottery
  • Tudor Pouches – thank you Mr Few, Mrs Wilford and Grandma for coming in to help
  • Chocolate free dress day
  • Chips!

Family discussion questions:

  • What did you learn from PCSO Chesters about e-safety?
  • What is a factor? (maths)


  • Where did you go to on Thursday/Friday?
  • What did you learn there?
  • What was the best bit of York?

Looking forward:

The children will complete their writing on ‘The Arrival’ and the work on symmetry and factors in maths.  The most exciting thing this week has to be York!  Please ensure that the children are in school by 7.35 at the latest.  We will be setting off at 8am and will not be able to wait for anyone who is late!  Check out your kit list, packed lunch and spending money if you want to.  Polite reminder - please no smart devices or sweets.

Homework in Year 4

Timestables for Wednesday  - Mrs Benson

Spellings for Thursday – Mrs Cooper 

Maths (orange sheet) and comprehension sheet  for Next Friday- 5th April – Mrs Cowell

Could the children please complete their homework in pencil or blue/black pen not felt tip.

(This can be handed it at anytime before Friday, the children know where the plastic wallets are)


P.E. kits in this week.  P.E. will be on Tuesday afternoon this week.  (Dance with Premier Sports)

Could the children bring trainers or pumps if possible.

Nightly reading recorded in reading record – make sure it comes to school on Friday

Reading challenge has started – 20 reads in the reading record =10 housepoints

Please encourage your child to record their reading in their reading records. 

Dates for your diary:

March 28th – 29th York Residential

Friday 29th  Y2 Cake Sale and Film Night

York assembly – class assembly for parents 2.30pm (venue tbc)

April Friday 5th  School Closes for Easter holidays and returns Tuesday 23rd April

Advance notice: Sports Day Thursday 4th July Reserve Sports Day Thursday