Yr 4 Looking Back and Forth 11th June

Friday 11th June– Looking Back & Forth in Year 4

Looking back:

In our first week on the final half term, (which is a very scary thought, as time has really flown!) we began a new book called Arthur and the Golden Rope.  The children were introduced to the first 4 pages of the text and tried to fathom what the text was all about.  Ask your child about their thoughts on this text. 

In maths, we continued our work on decimals. We looked at hundredths as a decimal particularly this week.  In our topic work, we designed a 3D model of a throne for King Alfred the Great.  (These have come home to put together)  We had athletics with the Premiere Sports Coaches on Friday.  We also learnt about different Anglo-Saxons texts this week.  Oh, and of course had a wonderful trip to Delamere; where we made shelters for King Alfred, pond and stream dipped, caught huge Bullhead fish, explored a badger sett and went paddling through a babbling stream in wellies. 

All in all, not a bad week as it goes, it certainly was busy.

Questions to ask at home:

What does a bullhead fish look like?

What is a badger home called?

How big was the opening to the badger home?

Are badgers herbivores, carnivores or omnivores?

What was the centre leader called?  What was your favourite part of the Delamere trip?

What do you think will happen in the story of Arthur and the Golden Rope?  Why?

Looking forward:

This week, we will be continuing our English work about Viking Myths.  We will also continue to work on decimals and looking at dividing and multiplying them.  In the afternoons, we will be looking at the Anglo-Saxons and Christianity as well as the findings at Sutton Hoo.  On Tuesday, the children will have a session with Mrs Cooper on coding in computing, which will be really interesting. 

Homework in Year 4

Reading – daily at least 15 mins – in preparation for Accelerated Reader Quizzes at school

Rockstars – as much as possible 10 mins daily is ideal – at least once a week for 20 mins

Soundcheck is a great tool to prepare the children for the Goostrey Multiplication Tables Check in June. IN 2 WEEKS

Spellings  – Mrs Riddell – Please learn them for the test on Wednesday.  It is better to look at them for 5 minutes each day than try to learn them all in one night.  The children remember them better learnt over the week.

Maths– multi skills page as well as word problems on the back - should be handed in on Thursday in the box at the back of the classroom.

English  - Throne making

Could the children please complete their homework in pencil or blue/black pen not felt tip.

Century – A sheet came home with the week’s nuggets to complete.

Timestables – for Friday  we are learning x 4 x8 x7 x16   - This is the third week

(This can be handed it at anytime before Friday, the children know where the plastic wallets are)


Bikeability letters – these need to be in by next week

Reminders for this week – Please check the weekly Newsletter for more detail

PE – Friday morning - Athletics

Children can bring in hand sanitizers for their own personal use. 

Nightly reading recorded in reading record – make sure it comes to school on Friday

Reading challenge has started – 20 reads in the reading record =10 housepoints

Please encourage your child to record their reading in their reading records. 
