Yr 4 Looking Back and Forth 25th September

Friday 25th September 2020 – Looking Back & Forth in Year 4

Looking back:

The children continued to work on the biographies in ‘Rebels Girls’ and ‘Boys Who Dare!’ The class found the people we have met already rather inspiring.  The class thought these people ‘resilient and awesome!’

In maths, we have continued our work on Place Value, looking at rounding large numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 as well as working with numbers in 1,000s.    

In the afternoons; we looked at the large mountain ranges in the seven continents.  Below, is the link to a catchy song we used to remember our continents.  We drew mountains in our sketchbooks, which is harder than we thought.  We really looked at background and foreground as well as picking up some good mountains vocabulary at the same time.


We also looked at My Media Choices, in Computing, as part of unit of work on internet safety.  We looked at healthy media balance and looked at examples to decide if these children had healthy or unhealthy media choices. 

Questions to ask at home:

  • What is a ridge?
  • What is a summit?
  • What are the seven continents?
  • What are the large mountain ranges in the seven continents?
  • What is the rule for rounding to the nearest 10?
  • What is the rule for rounding to the nearest 100?
  • Who is Ashley Fiolek?
  • Who is Louis Braille?
  • What happened to Louis when he was a child and how did this change his life?

Looking forward:

This week, the children will continue to look at biographies.  They will be looking at the key features of this genre.  In maths, we will continue to look at Place Value with larger numbers.  In the afternoons, we will look at the highest summits in the seven continents, as well as how mountains are formed?  We will continue our work on Media Choices too.  We will continue to look at 'Sound' in science.

Remember to wear P.E. kits on Friday.  We are using the field when it is dry.  Jogging bottoms and jumpers are 'a must' as the weather gets colder.

Homework in Year 4

Reading – daily at least 15 mins – remember to take the Accelerated Reader Quizzes

Rockstars – as much as possible 10 mins daily is ideal – at least once a week for 20 mins

Soundcheck is a great tool to prepare the children for the MTC (Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check)

Spellings  – Mrs Riddell – Please learn them for the test on Wednesday.  It is better to look at them for 5 minutes each day than try to learn them all in one night.  The children remember them better learnt over the week.

Maths–For Friday  

English  - Synonyms sheet (this links to the work in class)

Could the children please complete their homework in pencil or blue/black pen not felt tip.

Timestables – for Friday  we are learning x2 x4 x8 x9

(This can be handed it at anytime before Friday, the children know where the plastic wallets are)



Reminders for this week – Please check the weekly Newsletter for more detail

Children can bring in hand sanitizers for their own personal use. 

Nightly reading recorded in reading record – make sure it comes to school on Friday

Reading challenge has started – 20 reads in the reading record =10 housepoints

Please encourage your child to record their reading in their reading records. 
