Year 6: Display work
Pictures of our learning this week - w/e 09.12.16, by Mrs Timmins
Pictures of our learning this week - w/e 02.12.16, by Mrs Timmins
Pictures of our learning this week - w/e 18.11.16, by Mrs Timmins
Pictures of our learning this week - w/e 11.11.16, by Mrs Timmins
Piccies - Friday 21st October - A few ICT images..., by Mrs Timmins
10th to 14th October - This week we've been......, by Mrs Timmins
What's been going on in class this week - 23.09.16?, by Mrs Timmins
What's been going on in Year 6 this week? 16.09.16, by Mrs Timmins
Place Value Lesson, by Mrs Timmins
Triassic Park animation, by Mrs Cooper
The Great Egg Challenge, by Mrs Cowell
Animation Club 2013, by Mrs Cooper
Manchester Art Gallery Work 12th and 13th November, by Mrs Cowell
Manchester Art Gallery Work from 5th 6th November, by Mrs Cowell