Growing Up Talks

Dear Families

In line with our school policies, we are making you aware in advance that we have arranged for the school nurse to attend school on the morning of Tuesday 30th June, to deliver socially distanced growing up sessions to both Y6 bubble groups.  These sessions focus on health and hygiene, growing up and puberty.  They are delivered using PowerPoint presentations, some written information and Question and Answer sessions.  Your child's bubble group staff will also be involved in these sessions.

In usual circumstances we offer parents the opportunity to come into school in advance to view the PowerPoints on an agreed date, but in the current situation this will not be possible.  As the Powerpoints are not our presentations, we are unable to share via email or post on class pages.

If you want to view the Powerpoints I will arrange individual times for one parent from each family to attend next week, so would appreciate  you letting me know by Friday afternoon this week if you will be requiring this.

Kind regards

J Schurer-Lewis