Reception 6th December Looking back and forth

Friday 6th December 2019- Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back – what have we enjoyed:

This week we have spent time on stage for the nativity practices. We have heard the story of Christmas and drawn and labelled a picture of the story. The children have told me that the best bits in the nativity are the sheep, the shepherds, the angels and the kings. Well let’s see what you think next week. I think the singing by Reception children is the best! The children have also done their hand and foot prints in class for a special surprise for you at home.

Looking forward

Next week we have the two nativity shows to look forward too.  We will also continue with phonics, Maths and will continue learning about the Christian meaning of Christmas.


Nativity on 12th and 13th December. Each family will be given two tickets for each performance.  Please remember to let me know if you are attending the dress rehearsal with young siblings so that I can put out a chair for you.