Reception class news week ending 22 September 23

Hello all

Well it has been a busy week in Reception and our first three full days have gone well in class. 

I have given each child a going home/table place and today I gave them each a carpet place too. 

In phonics we have learnt s,a,t,p,i,n,m and d. The program we use includes a lot of blending and segmenting so they they robot talking to sound out words. We also had our first whole class white board writing session, learning how to use the pens correctly. We wrote a few letters and made some words too which was very exciting. They all made sure their pen lids where securely on by listening for the click. 

Each child has also done their first piece of "work" in their english books and they have drawn a picture of their family including pets. 

The children have painted and decorated their buddy birthday rockets which will go up as soon as I have taken a photo of them together.

The children went to whole school assembly this afternoon and sat beautifully. After assembly they met their buddies which went very well.

Please don't forget to send in a pot in for their words and sounds. I would like to fill these and get them home next week.

On Monday night there is a PTA meeting at the Space Invader if anyone is interested in getting involved. 

I hope you all have a good weekend