Reception Friday 5th July Looking back and forth

Friday 5 July 2019 - Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back

English: This week the children worked with Ms Cummins in Year 1. They write a recount of their day at Reaseheath.

Maths: Ms Cummins did number work with them all (a small group each day).

PE:  Sports Day

Reception Children's highlights

Sports Day, going into Year 1 class to work, buddy time, pond dipping and dancing the Mandela dance.

Looking forward

This week we will be writing our memories into our Golden Books. I will be assessing their word and sound knowledge. In maths we are revisiting shapes 2D and 3D names and problem solving.

Dates of interest:

Buddy Picnic 19th July. Please refer to the email that Mrs Timmins sent last week.


Word pots

Reading: Please read a few times a week and you don’t have to read the books from school. 5minutes a session is more than enough.

Writing: Writing out phase 2 and 3 tricky words:

I, go,to,the,no,into,we,be,she.he,me,my,you,are.

Can they do it from memory?

Maths: counting and writing numbers.