Reception looking back and forth week ending 4 March 2022

Friday 4 March 2022- Looking Back and Forth in Reception

Looking Back – what we have done this week

Our book this week is called The Something and they had to guess what animal lived down the hole. They each made a prediction and drew what they thought and labelled it. Then we learnt all about animals underground and they each did a fact sheet with a picture. We used non-fiction books to find out all about badgers, foxes, earthworms, meercats, moles and ants. 

In maths we did addition using Numicon. Each morning we continue to write numbers to get these written correctly and the challenge is to see far they can go. 
On Thursday we learnt about Shrove Tuesday and enjoyed Waffles which we made in class. We read lots of stories to celebrate World Book Day.

They enjoyed gymnastics on Tuesday afternoon with Mr Darby. 

This week I have topped up all word pots and added new sounds learnt. 

Looking forward to next week’s learning:

We will be learning about roots and especially editable roots. We will be using these in recipes to try out in class.