Reception weekly update 2/10/22

Hello all and I hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend.

This week I read them the story called Juniper Jupiter. It is a book about a girl who is a super hero and she is looking for a sidekick. We discussed what a sidekick was and what qualities they needed to have. Each child then wrote a description of a sidekick. We are working on intial sounds and any other sounds they can hear in words. We are also working on their pencil grip and letter formation. 

They painted their clay mushrooms which you will see on our display at the exhibition. We also learnt the parts of a mushroom: cap, gills, stalk and ring. We have watched a few videos of mushrooms growing and seen some very interesting mushrooms including florescent ones. Mrs Richmond brought in a huge mushroom, the size of an ostrich egg, which we cut open passed around and had a sniff of. I have bought a mushroom growing box and hopefully in a week we will have white mushrooms growing in class. My plan is to saute them off and let the children taste them. That should be interesting!

They all got their reading books and sound pots on Thursday. It was so sweet to see how excitied they were to get them. Please send the book bag back in on Wednesday as I will change their books and catch up on any comments you have made in their reading diaries. 

On Thursday afternoon Mrs Cowell (our deputy head and art co-ordinator) came and did some drawings with them for another display at the exhibition. Look out for the I in Inspire and you will see their drawings. 

They met their buddies on Friday and should all have a buddy book in their bags. This will hopefully give you all the information you need on their Year 6 friend. 

Thank you for the lovely show and tell items. I am happy for you to email pictures which I will show the class. It also helps if you just give me a few prompts so I can lead them in their presentation just - about the name of the place and and what they enjoyed about it. 

The children told me that they:

loved PE (they played tag)

bike Friday

playing on the big playground

going on the mushroom hunt (we did a few of these during the week on their request)