Reception weekly update Friday 17th November

We began the week with the story "The star in the jar". The children each found a jar on the playground and they chose a star to go in it. These were sent home on Monday as a link to the story. They wrote a short description of the young boy in the story who found his star. They said he was: kind, gentle, nice, good, polite and helpful.

In Maths we continue to work on number recognition, formation and linking number to object. Our focus is also on careful counting.

In RE we heard the story of David and Goliath and then coloured in a picture of the two charactures. 

Each day we have had singing practice for the nativity. The songs are short and catchy so they are picking up the words quickly. 

Today we did music and got lots of different instruments out for them to have a play. We accompanied some pieces of music. 

They painted their diva lamps which are now on display in the class and we also started painting their santas which we will put up in class. 

This week we learnt sh, ng and th (unvoiced) and th (voiced - the) sounds.

Have a good weekend.