Reception weekly update week ending 3 November 23

Reception weekly update

The children have returned after a well needed break and now we have the exciting build up to Christmas. Just a reminder that the nativity performances are on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th at 9:30am. Each family will get two tickets per performance.  We ask that you do not bring younger siblings to these performances and we will arrange for them to watch a dress rehearsal.

Our learning this week:
Phonics: We continue to work on cvc words and blending. Some children are still struggling to blend the last sound so lots of focus on this at present. On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon we have a focus on individual reading and Mrs Walker, who volunteers, myself and Mrs Cuttle will read with them. Don’t forget to comment in the reading record about how they are getting on at home.

Maths: We learnt/revised 2D shape names and are making pictures using shapes. They are enjoying this activity.

English: I told the children the Gunpowder Plot story and we acted it out. Lots of play this week has revolved around the story with many King James 1, guards, Guy Fawkes and the” baddies” reacting the plot in the houses of Parliament. They have also been building bonfires. They have really emersed themselves in the story and I hope they have retold it to you. Each child drew a picture of the story and wrote a short sentence about it.

PHSCE: Our book this week is: You Choose. So, the focus was about them choosing what they like and their chose been ok. I drew a large Reception house and they each got to choose something to put into the house. This showed their individual taste but together it created a lovely home including everyone’s ideas.

My Happy Mind: This is a mental health program which we use and is story based. Today we learnt about our brain and what helps it to grow. The story and song told us about drinking water and eating healthy food, reading, playing games and resting. These all contribute to a healthy growing brain. We also did the breathing: in breath for 3 counts and out for 4. The children loved the video and characters. 

PE: On Tuesday afternoon the children have gymnastics from 2: 10 to 3:10pm. Mrs Murdock takes these lessons in the village hall.

Christmas card art work order forms came home in the bags yesterday. This is not compulsory to complete.