Reception weekly update week ending 6 October 23

Reception weekly news update

Hello all

This term is flying by and we only have two weeks left. We are very busy learning the school song and another song to sing to you all at our exhibition show. This will be on both days (Wednesday and Thursday) at 2:30pm. 

Preparations are going well for our topic of life underground and the lots of art work going on this week. Miss Goldsmith worked with the children in small groups doing one of the back boards with our class. This will be displayed along the back wall in the school hall. They went in small groups to work with her in the Sunshine Room on Tuesday.

We have heard all the 10 number stories now and know a lot more about the animals in the zoo and their tricks and antics. 

Phonics continues to go really well each day and the children are getting very confident really quickly with their sounds and how to write them correctly. Today we practiced how to form e correctly. 

In maths we did numberwork in our books counting and matching number to objects.

Buddy time went well this afternoon with the class splitting into two groups. One group went to read in the hall for 15 minutes while the other played and we then swapped over. The buddies have bonded well and it is lovely to see them so engaged with each other. 

The Natural History Museum is up and running at break and lunchtimes and Reception can go in and make crafts on a Monday, Thursday and Friday. 

After assembly today, we headed to the woods before buddy time to explore for while and they had a lot of fun looking for bugs, collecting sticks and bouncing on branches. 

Have a lovely weekend