wb 7th November Year 1


Hi All,

We hope you all had a great half term.

The Exhibition was a great success and we hope you enjoyed it.

In Literacy this week we will be looking at Information Texts – nocturnal animals to be precise.  We thought that after the tin forest the children would like to research some of the animals that could have visited the forest under the cover of darkness.

In maths we will be practising our skills in adding.  Looking at different ways to make numbers, as well as adding on small numbers to big ones.

In the afternoons…

We will be creating Bonfire art work, as well as music and looking at old toys.

In science we will be looking at seasonal changes.  Which season are we in now, and how do we know? What is happening around us?



Next week is Parents’ Evening

Don’t forget the reading challenge – so far we have had lots of children taking the challenge.  Remember it has to be 14 days consecutive reading at home.

If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Cowell and Mrs Saxton