Y1 Friday 12th March 2021– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 12th March 2021– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

We have had a great first week back together in Year 1- everyone has settled back in so brilliantly, I am so proud of everyone! We have had a lovely week settling back into school life.

We have shared our home learning and chosen pieces of work we are most proud of for our class display.

In English we have recapped some learning related to capital letters full stops, conjunctions and adjectives

In Maths we have looked at addition, subtraction and place value.

We have reviewed our learning across all the Foundation subjects and made a poster to show everything we have learnt.

We played Phonics and Maths games and most of all enjoyed catching up with all of our friends.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Sorting animals based on what they eat to show what we have learnt in Science.

√ Constructing a continents jigsaw- labelling the continents, North Pole, South Pole and equator to show what we have learnt in Geography

√ Timeline of the events of Captain Scott’s Terra Nova Expedition.

√ Made something very special for a lovely occasion on Sunday.

√ PE with Premier Sport.

√ Looking at Palm Sunday in RE.

√ Showing our Maths skills when adding, subtracting and identifying the value of 2-digit numbers.

√ Thought carefully about how to stay safe online.

√ Used coloured water colours to make a hot or cold coloured background for our seasonal trees art work next week.

√ Playing with our friends.

Family discussion questions:

  • What does a carnivore, omnivore and herbivore mean?
  • What are the names of the 7 continents? Which is the coldest? Which are hot continents? How do you know
  • What did Captain Scott do on his Terra Nova Expedition? Why was he disappointed?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be using our learning during Lockdown to help us to write a non-chronological about birds.

In Maths we will be counting in 2s and 5s.

In ART and DT we will begin to create a seasonal tree using hot or cold colours inspired by Kandinsky.


  • Orange juice, milk cartons and bottles tops to be sent in a named carrier bag b Wednesday 17th March.
  • Spelling and handwriting homework is sent home each Friday and is due back in the following Friday. Handwriting is based on the letter we have practised in school and the spellings are based on what sounds we have looked at in school and may include High Frequency Words (HFW) or Common Exception Words (CEW) from the Year 1 spelling list. I will send 5 or 7 spellings home and the children will be tested informally on a Friday morning. This is nothing to worry about and gives children experience of homework before Year 2 and helps with their Year 1 handwriting and spelling expectations. HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY 19th March.


  • Our 14 day Reading Challenge will start a fresh again from today. If you could please bring books in every Thursday so they can be changed overnight and given back on Friday.


If you have any questions please ask.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Kind regards and take care

Ms Cummins