Y1 Friday 15th October 2021

Y1 Friday 15th October 2021– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

Another brilliant week in Year 1- great effort to complete independent work and attitude to learning!

In English we will learn a ‘story map’- putting actions to the words and following the pictures to help us remember facts for information text about Emperor penguins.

In Science we have labelled Emperor penguins and thought about how their features help them to survive in Antarctica.

In Art we have continued to layer cold coloured materials to create a textured collage and used pastels to create the look of feathers on our penguin outlines.

We have published our work ready for exhibition and learnt a dance with Miss Laura related to chicks hatching and the constant sunlight in Antarctica in summer.

And… we have earnt our first marble jar treat! Happy Feet 2 and snacks! ?

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Continuing to use our chopping arms to read and write words using phoneme from Phase 3.

√ Writing facts about Emperor penguins.

√ Choosing cold colours and different materials to create collage tiles for our exhibition.

√ Learning and performing a dance with Miss Laura.

√ Using pastel pencils to draw lines of different sizes to create textures.

√ Thinking about what features Emperor penguins have to survive.

√ Watching Happy Feet with treats for our marble jar treat.

√ Moving and finding space in PE.

√ Repeating and saying body parts in French.

√ Continuing to learn about Christianity in RE.

Family discussion questions:

  • What are the features that Emperor penguins have to survive in Antarctica?
  • Where is Antarctica? Why is it so cold?
  • Count on from 10- where can you count up to?

Looking forward:

Next week we will finish our place value unit in Maths.

In Science we will be conducting an ice experiment and thinking about materials.

We will be doing quizzes to consolidate our Science, Geography and History learning.


Book change on Thursday- please ensure books are in school so these can be changed overnight.

Please continue to read every night. If this could be recorded in reading diaries so I can track progress for our 14 day Reading Challenge.

Just to clarify- Reading challenges are counted up every Thursday during book change and then awarded on Friday (backdated if awarded before that). We celebrate this achievement as a class all together.

You are warmly invited to visit our display of the children’s work in the school hall (junior side).  Under our Covid risk assessment we are inviting just one adult from each family and requesting masks are worn indoors.  You are welcome to collect your child to look at the exhibition with you—please ring the bell at the front door bell (infant side) on this day.


Every class has one day over the next few weeks to visit – our class is on Thursday 4th November between 1pm and 5pm. The open morning, for all families is on Friday 22nd between 9am and 12pm.


This is a display of work studied by all year groups but because of current restrictions the format is different to past exhibitions.  We have all worked very hard on this display and it showcases our children and their talents beautifully.  We are so pleased to be able to put an exhibition on again and we are very proud of all the work the children have produced.  We hope you will be able to come and join us for this event.  The children have also worked with an artist to prepare a large art piece and a dance specialist on their main theme. Our main area of study has been Antarctica.   


Thank you for your continued support

Ms Cummins