Y1 Friday 16th December 2022

Y1 Friday 16th December 2022– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

We have had a great final week of our first term together in Year 1- everyone has worked really hard this term!

We enjoyed performing in our Nativity and we hope you loved it as much as we did! The enthusiasm and singing from the children was amazing! Lots of hard work in the lead up to their brilliant performance.

We have enjoyed watching a whole school film to finish off our last day of the Autumn Term- it was wonderful to see the children having such a fun time!

In PE we have shown our gymnastics skills and performed a routine of gymnastic floor moves for each other.

In DT we have continued our quilling project and completed our Christmas themed moving cards.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Performing in our Nativity.

√ Showing the gymnastics skills, we have learnt on the floor mats and on the equipment PE.

√ Watching a film as a whole school to celebrate Christmas.

√ Finishing our quilling project.

√ Learning to subtract by crossing out.

√ Making Christmas themed moving pictures.

Family discussion questions:

  • What adjectives would you use to describe Father Christmas?
  • What human and physical features have you spotted whilst you have been walking/travelling in your car?
  • How far can you count when counting forwards? Can you count backwards from the same number?

Looking forward:

Next half term we will be looking at the story of ‘Major Glad, Major Dizzy’.

In Maths we will be looking at place value before moving onto addition and subtraction of bigger numbers.

In History we will look at toys from the past and compare them to the present and exploring ‘Who am I?’ in Science.


  • Return to school Wednesday 3rd January- Monday 2nd January is a Bank Holiday and Tuesday 3rd January is an Inset Day. 
  • Spelling and handwriting homework swill continue to be sent home each Friday and is due back in the following Friday. Handwriting is based on the letter we have practised in school and the spellings are based on what we have looked at in school including High Frequency Words (HFW) or Common Exception Words (CEW) from the Year 1 spelling list. I will send 3 or 5 spellings home; this amount can be changed weekly dependent on how well they are retained by the children and will be tested informally on a Friday morning. This is nothing to worry about and gives children experience of homework before Year 2 and helps with their Year 1 handwriting and spelling expectations. HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY 6TH


  • Our 14 day Reading Challenge will start a fresh again the first week back so any reading over the holidays will gain House Points per read- please bring books in to be changed on Thursday 5th January.


A huge thank you for your support, kind words, cards and gifts- they are so appreciated. It has been a great start to our year together and the children are a credit to you. I wish you all a very happy Christmas and healthy 2023.

If you have any questions please ask

Kind regards and take care

Ms Cummins