Y1 Friday 16th July 2021

Y1 Friday 16th July 2021– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

The children have worked really hard this week.

We have consolidated our learning across all subjects this week and the children have shown what they have earnt this year- lots and the children were surprised!

We have written a letter to Raheem Sterling to tell him we are proud of him and thought about kinds things we could say to the England team.

We also wrote a letter to Reception about what to expect in Year 1.

It has been lovely to complete more painting ready for our final week together.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Completing quizzes to show what we have learnt this term.

√ Finding pictures related to given sounds.

√ Writing a letter to Raheem Sterling to say how proud we are of him and the whole England team.

√ Thinking about resilience and team work.

√ Painting in preparation for art work next week.

√ Playing silly games in PE.

√ Saying colours in French.

√ Playing different percussion instruments to represent sea animals.

√ Enjoying an afternoon of outdoor fun with ice lollies.


Family discussion questions:

  • What have you learnt in Geography this term? What is at our school that is not at Elizabethfontein school?
  • Think about the order of events in your day? What time does this happen? Is it closer to o’clock or half past?
  • What have you most enjoyed about Year 1?

Looking forward:

Next week we will be writing our own story and preparing things for transition.

In all other areas of the curriculum, we will be doing quizzes and lots of discussions to consolidate our learning.


  • There is no homework this week and I have sent only reading books home- please send them back on Tuesday.
  • Waterproof coat and sensible shoes for Tuesday please. If you have not sent the permission slip and £1 in then please do ASAP- permission can be given via email.
  • Thursday- your child is welcome to dress up in party clothes, or as a knight or princess to finish off our themed week. They can also bring some snacks for our afternoon ‘banquet’- detailed email sent regarding this.

I am looking forward to a very special last week with Year1!

If you have any questions please ask.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Kind regards and take care

Ms Cummins