Y1 Friday 1st July 2022

Y1 Friday 1st July 2022– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

What a lovely village walk we had on Tuesday!

In English, we written our own return story based on ‘The Secret of Black Rock’.

In Maths, we have consolidated our place value topic. We have moved onto our money topic looking at coins and making amounts.

In Geography, we identified human and physical features on our village walk and used this information to make a journey line. We sent a letter to our Twin School Elizabethfontein and we have received phots from them which helped us compare our school with theirs.

In Science, we have read facts about sea animals to support our fact file writing next week.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Writing our own return story.

√ Finding one more and one less than a given number.

√ Recognising coins and notes.

√ Making amounts.

√ Identifying human and physical features on our village walk.

√ Reading facts about the characteristics of sea shore animals.

√ Taking part in all the activities for Sports Day in PE.

√ Looking at photos of Elizabethfontein School and comparing their school to ours.

√ Learning about mosques RE.

√ Playing hitch pitch notes on xylophone in Music.

Family discussion questions:

  • What human and physical features did you see on our village walk?
  • What coins could you use to make 30p? How many different ways can you do this?
  • What happened in your return story?

Looking forward:

In English, we will be performing poetry from other cultures and we will have a group each day from Reception coming to work with us as part of transition.

In Maths, we will be looking at time- order of events, days of the week and time to the hour

In Science, we will be using the facts we have read to write a fact file about sea shore animals.

In D&T and Art, we will be printing African inspired patterns and learning how to weave before making a weaved fish.



  • Our 14 day Reading Challenge has started again, so please write each time your child reads so they can earn 10 house points for their 14 consecutive reads. I will change books overnight on a Thursday


  • I have sent home spellings, reading comprehension and Maths homework based money. Please complete this in pencil.


  • Sports Day Tuesday 5th July 1:15pm- all welcome. Children to wear their house colour t-shirt. Please put sun cream on before school and children are to be collected from classes afterwards.


  • PE this half term is Friday- please wear PE kits on this day.


Please vote for our shed in the Shed of the Year Competition- here is the article.

Please vote here- https://www.readersheds.co.uk/?type=Unexpected/Unique

If you have any questions please ask.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Kind regards and take care

Ms Cummins