Y1 Friday 22nd March 2024– Looking Back & Forth

Y1 Friday 22nd March 2024– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

In English we have written our own detective story.

In Maths we have used a number line to count to 50 and used this skill to help us to estimate where missing numbers fit.

In Geography we have identified where the North Pole, South Pole and Equator are on a map of the world using an atlas to help us and we have learnt about the weather conditions in Antarctica.

In Art and Design we have continued to create texture using collage and pastels.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Repeating and saying colours in French.

√ Completing missing numbers on number line and estimating where missing numbers go based on their position.

√ Finding one more and one less than given numbers to 50.

√ Working hard to read and write words with ‘alternative pronunciation of ‘a’ as in ‘apron’ and ‘u’ as in ‘unicorn’.

√ Exploring the conditions in Antarctica.

√ Identifying where the North Pole, South Pole and Equator are on a map of the world.

√ Writing the story of our detective animal.

√ Learning about Easter- acting out the Last Supper in RE.

Family discussion questions:

  • What is Antarctica like?
  • What is my mistake? 36, 37, 39, 40. 45 has 5 ones and 5 tens- true or false?
  • What kind things could you do at school and at home? How should you react to unkind acts?


Looking forward:

Next week we will be putting our phonics to the test but being phonics detectives and consolidating our spelling, reading and maths learning through completing quizzes.

In Maths we will be consolidating our learning by completing our Place Value to 50 quiz and begin our length and height unit in Maths.

In Art and Design and Technology we will continue with our collage and pastel pictures.

In Science we will look at clothes and the materials they are made of and identify which would best suit an Antarctic explorer before putting these predictions to the test during our ice experiment.

Homework in Year 1

I have sent home some real and fake words to read and next week I will send a phonics activity booklet home for over the Easter holidays.


  • Please continue to read every night. If this could be recorded in reading diaries so I can track progress for our 14 day Reading Challenge. Reading Challenge’s will be awarded on Friday’s after checking Reading Diaries on Thursday after school. If you have any questions please ask.



  • Phonics Screener information meeting- identical meetings on Wednesday 17th April 5pm and Friday 19th April 9am in the Sunshine Room.


Thanks for your support

Mrs Carew