Y1 Friday 25th March 2022

Y1 Friday 25th March 2022– Looking Back & Forth

Looking back: 

In English we have written our own detective story.

In Maths we have compared lengths and heights and used non-standard and standard units of measure.

In Geography we have looked at dangerous weather and how to stay safe.

In Science we have written a fact file about chosen British birds.

In Art and Design we have cut different sized circles ready to complete our Kandinsky inspired ‘seasons tree’ pictures and begun to construct our bird houses.

Year 1 – Pupils’ Highlights:

√ Having a wonderful time at Jodrell Bank and learning lots about space and the Lovell Telescope.

√ Repeating and saying colours in French

√ Comparing lengths and heights.

√ Measuring length using non-standard (cubes) and standard units (ruler- cm) of measure.

√ Working hard to read and write words including alternative pronunciation of ‘ie’- tie and chief and ‘ea’- meat and head.

√ Exploring dangerous weather and how to stay safe.

√ Writing the story our detective story.

√ Constructing our bird houses.

√ Cutting circles accurately and constructing our Kandinsky inspired pictures.

√ Learning about Easter- Good Friday and Easter Sunday in RE.

Family discussion questions:

  • What facts did you learn at Jodrell Bank?
  • Can you order the members of your family by height- shortest to tallest?
  • What kind things could you do at school and at home? How should you react to unkind acts?


Looking forward:

Next week we will be consolidating our learning through quizzes.

In Maths we will begin our weight and volume unit in Maths.

In Art and Design and Technology we will continue painting and constructing our recycled bird houses.

In Science we will continue writing fact file about the features of birds.

Homework in Year 1

  • Spelling and handwriting/ phonics homework is sent home each Friday and is due back in the following Friday. Handwriting and /or phonics and the spellings are based on what we have looked at in school including High Frequency Words (HFW) or Common Exception Words (CEW) from the Year 1 spelling list. I will send 3 or 5 spellings home; this amount can be changed weekly dependent on how well they are retained by the children and will be tested informally on a Friday morning. This really helps to reinforce the sounds we have been working on in class and enables the children to use the sounds / words in their writing. Homework due Friday 1.4.22



  • Please continue to read every night. If this could be recorded in reading diaries so I can track progress for our 14 day Reading Challenge. Reading Challenge’s will be awarded on Friday’s after checking Reading Diaries on Thursday after school. If you have any questions please ask.



  • Bingo 25th March- tonight 6pm in the Village Hall.
  • Film Night 29th April- £5 a ticket- details to follow.


Thanks for your support

Ms Cummins